Especially in the current climate, every organisation I talk to seems to want the same thing.
They want their people to quickly embrace change and readily initiate it. In other words, they want to be change-resilient. And fast.
If you’re light on budget and short on time, my favourite way to achieve this is to embed a coaching culture across the organisation. I don’t just mean coaching training, but giving leaders the experience of being coached, while they coach someone they don’t manage, together with the support they need to refine their coaching skills along the way.
Why does this work?
Well, people are more likely to embrace and initiate organisational change when they trust their leader and they’re growing at an individual level. I believe enabling leaders to be effective coaches is the quickest way to achieve both.
#shanelwinning #winningperformance #psychologist #change #culturedevelopment #leadershipdevelopment #executivedevelopment #coaching #executivecoaching
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