Category Archive for: Strategy Development

“She’s going to think less of me.”

It’s a common fear. Doing a psychometric assessment as part of your development can feel daunting, especially if you’re worried about being judged for what it reveals. But here’s the truth – it’s not about judgment. It’s about uncovering valuable insights and helping you decide what to do with them. I just wrapped up a…

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“We don’t have time to discuss where we’re going; we’re in too much of a hurry to get there!”

It’s a sentiment I often hear from leaders under pressure to deliver results—and fast! But when we rush into action without clearly understanding what we’re trying to achieve, we can end up pouring resources into initiatives that miss the mark. Consider the example of an organisation that invested in an expensive website redesign. A few…

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“We can’t achieve that because…”

Ever caught yourself thinking this? Our brains are so quick to zero in on issues and constraints—even the most creative thinkers can sometimes make assumptions that keep them stuck. At a recent leadership event focused on an ambitious 2030 strategy, I facilitated a fun but powerful activity to drive this point home. Right away, participants…

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“The leader should write the strategic plan.”

The strategic plan – as important as it is – is not magical in and of itself. Having one does not guarantee success. So why do some plans soar and others fail? There are a few reasons but one is top of mind at the moment. The creation process. Strategic plans are powerful when they…

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